A loan helped to buy bed sheets, quilts, fans, pots, perfumes, crèmes, cosmetics, and other products to sell.

Dolores Elisabeth's story

Dolores Elisabeth is 58 years old, separated from her partner, and has three grown children. She lives in Portoviejo, a place with beautiful rural landscapes, beaches, and a variety of delicious cuisines that attract many visitors to this lovely city.

Despite her age, Dolores Elisabeth is a hardworking woman who seeks to earn income so that she can support herself without depending on her children. She would rather help her children, which she has done with the help of the loans, for which she is grateful. Dolores Elisabeth asks for continued support.

She sells bed sheets, quilts, fans, pots, and Yanbal and Avon products (perfumes, crèmes, cosmetics, and trinkets). Her sales are conducted by going door to door, at her house, and through social networks. Dolores Elisabeth sells on credit or for cash payment depending on the customer.

This loan will be used to buy bed sheets, quilts, fans, pots, perfumes, crèmes, cosmetics, and other products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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