A loan helped to buy perfumes, lotions, costume jewelry, cosmetics, and other products.

Gladis Asunción's story

Gladis Asunción is 58 years old. She is married and has four children, all of whom are grown. Her husband works as a driver. They live in Portoviejo, a place with beautiful countryside scenery, beaches, and a delicious and varied cuisine that attracts those who come to this pretty city.

She is a hardworking woman who seeks ways to earn her living and help her husband with the household expenses. She is able to do this with help from the loans. She is very grateful for it, and requests continued assistance.

She sells Avon, Yanbal, and Belcorp products (perfumes, lotions, costume jewelry, and cosmetics), and makes her sales door-to-door, from her home, and via social networks. She offers credit and collects every eight days, and is managing to continue this way despite hardships.

This loan is to buy to buy perfumes, lotions, costume jewelry, cosmetics, and other products.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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