A loan helped to buy bread, ground beef, mayonnaise, tomatoes and other ingredients to make hamburgers as well as clothing and makeup.

Ines Elida's story

Inés Elida is 40 years old, married and has three children who are all grown. Her husband is a mason. They live in Portoviejo, an area of beautiful countrysides, beaches and a rich and varied cuisine that are a big attraction to those who visit this lovely city.

She is an industrious woman who looks for ways to earn a living and help her husband with household expenses. She is able to do this thanks to the help she receives from her loans. She is very grateful for this and asks that you keep helping. She and one of her daughters work at her house making and selling hamburgers. She makes them at home and sends them out for delivery to homes and places where they are requested. She also continues to sell clothing and cosmetics and other products from her house and on social media.

She will use this loan to buy bread, ground beef, mayonnaise, tomatoes and other ingredients to make hamburgers as well as clothing and makeup.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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