A loan helped to buy a variety of products for her store.

Digna Amada's story

Digna Amada is 68 years old. She is a widow and has 8 grown children. They live in the house of a family member in the canton of Jaramijo which is known as a fisherman's cove and where tourists have diverse places to visit.

Digna is very hardworking who does whatever is possible to cover the expenses of the household. For this reason, she continues with her store where she sells rice, oil, water, legumes, among other products.

Thanks to this loan she will be able to stock her store since this is how she gains more customers because by having more varieties of products her clientele increases and she can earn what is necessary so that her children do not lack anything.

This loan is to buy more products for her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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