A loan helped to buy blouses, t-shirts, pants, pajamas, among other clothes.

Roberth Steven's story

Roberth Steven is single, 19 years old, and lives with his parents in the canton of Jaramijo, which is known as a fishermen's cove, where tourists have various places to visit.

Roberth is a very hard-working man who makes the effort to earn income and be able to cover household expenses. For this reason, he sells children's and adult clothing, which he goes out to offer to his friends or family. Because of its good quality they always order, and he sells on credit and gets paid weekly. He he has been doing this activity for 1 year, and it allows him to improve his quality of life.

This loan will be invested to buy blouses, t-shirts, pants, pajamas, among other clothes.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Francesca Ferreccio.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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