A loan helped to buy sheets, snacks, milk, bread, tuna, jelly, pasta, flour, make-up, perfume, jewellery, fizzy drinks, water, etc.

Joconda Yaqueline's story

Joconda Yaqueline and her family live in the town of Portoviejo, which was heavily affected by the earthquake of April 16, 2016. A lot of leafy vegetables, pulses, and tropical fruit for the internal market are grown here.

Joconda Yaqueline is very grateful for the loans, which helped her increase sales. She has a small shop at home where she works every day, so that her customers can buy the best ingredients to cook food at home. She sells all kinds of high-quality foodstuffs. She also sells sheets, clothes from a catalogue, beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes, and women's accessories. She sells on credit and collects the money every 8 days.

The loan will be used to buy sheets, snacks, milk, bread, tuna, jelly, pasta, flour, make-up, perfume, jewellery, fizzy drinks, water, etc.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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Lenders and lending teams

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