A loan helped to buy a variety of products for her store.

Maria Mercedes's story

Maria Mercedes and her family live in the canton of Jaramijo, which is known as a fishermen's cove, where tourists have diverse places to visit.

Maria is a very hard-working woman who does whatever is possible to meet the expenses of her home. It's for this reason that, for several years, she's had a store where she sells rice, oil, water, vegetables, and other products. Thanks to this loan, she'll be able to stock up her store, as in this way she'll earn more clients, as having a greater variety of products will increase her clientele and she'll be able to earn what she needs.

This loan is for buying a greater variety of products for her store.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kathy McCardwell.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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