A loan helped to buy flour, eggs, gelatin and food colouring, among other products to make desserts and cakes.

Ariana Michelle's story

Ariana Michelle and her family live in 24 de Mayo. It is a place of hardworking people, dedicated mostly to farming and product sales.

Ariana is a hardworking young woman who seeks a way to make an income and with it cover her costs, as well as help her family with the household expenses. She is managing to do this with the help of loans and for that, she is very grateful. She makes and sells desserts, cakes and other small snacks which she makes with a lot of love for her customers. They go to her house or they make requests for parties and social events. She also offers her desserts at a restaurant that her mum has. She also helps out there selling food.

This loan is to buy flour, eggs, gelatin and food colouring, among other products to make desserts and cakes.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erica McLay.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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