A loan helped to buy fish, water carriers, beauty products, cosmetics, perfume and women's accessories as well as other items.

Rosa Mirian's story

Rosa Mirian lives with her family in the Jaramijo canton, known as a fisherman's cove and where tourists have a variety of places to visit.

Rosa is a woman who likes to work everyday in order to support her husband with household expenses. For this reason, she decided two years ago to make a living selling fish, water carriers and Yanbal items, namely beauty products, cosmetics, perfume and women's accessories.

In her spare time, she passes through her neighbourhood showing her catalogues so that her customers can buy her products. This loan will be of great use since Rosa will be able to stock up on new merchandise.

She will use this loan to buy fish, water carriers, beauty products, cosmetics, perfume and women's accessories as well as other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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