A loan helped to buy products to make nacatamales and baked goods.

Ramona De Jesus's story

She is a person who makes all kinds of foods, especially nacatamales, soups and bread. Through her business activity she has supported her family, and as a mother she has been very responsible and hardworking.

She sells her bread as it comes out of the oven since the flavor it has cannot be compared to that of any other bakery so she has many customers.

She is applying for a loan to buy products to make bread and nacatamales, such as flour, sugar, shortening, salt, yeast, eggs, corn, pork, tomato paste, chicken, potatoes, rice, chili peppers, tomatoes, onions and firewood for the oven she bakes in.

She also wants to have her own stand to sell baked goods and nacatamales so her customers can buy directly which would increase demand.

She is totally grateful to Kiva for the opportunity being given to her.

June, 2024

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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