A loan helped a member to buy jewels of various types to sell.

Esperanza Group's story

The group is in its 9th cycle of the women's committee programme. They set a goal for themselves to be able to help each other in everything they could. They all have the purpose of improving their undertakings and so continue contributing to the maintenance of their families.

Lourdes Amanda is one of them. She works in sales. Her business consists of selling all sorts of jewels and she says that thanks to her daily struggle and effort she can help her family and give them a better life.

She mentions that she started with very little and then made her way dealing with whatever came up. She says as well that this loan will be a great help to her to be able to stock her business, since she wants to buy a variety of jewels to sell.

Note: The little girl in the photo is the daughter of one of the members of the group that signed this loan.

In this group: Irma Mabel, Natalia Beatriz, Mirtha Concepcion, Elma, Traudy Ervelin, Sonia Soledad, Rumilda, Yanina Belen, Lourdes Amanda, Zulma, Celia Beatriz, Delia Rosa, Dely Mabel, Marisol, Romina Soledad, Marlene Soledad, Maria Del Carmen, Sabina Rosa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Philip Walker.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details