A loan helped her to buy perfumes, creams, costume jewelry, make up, etc.

Tabia Gabriela's story

Tabia Gabriela is 29 years old. She is separated and has two five year old twins who attend school. They live in their own house. They live in Portoviejo which was affected by the April 16, 2016 earthquake. The city is rich in the production of vegetables and tropical fruits for domestic consumption.
Tabia Gabriela works at an institution where she renders her services and gets paid every month. In order to have additional income and give her children a better life, she works selling Belcorp catalog products (lbel, cyzone, esika) (Beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes and women accessories). She offers her products through WhatsApp and also by going to visit her customers at their homes. She leaves her merchandise on credit and gets paid weekly.
This loan is to buy perfumes, creams, costume jewelry, make up, etc. Her dream is to have many sales and for her children to be very healthy.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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