A loan helped a member to buy materials for the production of handmade products, like different colors of wool, plus chullo hats and blankets.

Padre Rolando Ramos Group's story

This borrower belongs to the Padre Rolando Ramos communal bank.

Paula is a hardworking woman who is very responsible. She is 54 years old, in a common law marriage, and has 1 child. She sells handmade crafts. It is going very well for her because she has been in the market for some time. Paula's goal is to expand her business and have more sales so she can earn more profits.

Paula is asking for the loan to buy materials for the production of handmade items, like different colors of wool, as well as chullo hats and blankets.

The member whose photo is superimposed on the group photo had her picture taken after the meeting because she was absent for work reasons. The baby in the photo is a member's son.

Paula is happy with the loan and committed to making her payments on time.

In this group: Paula, Adelayda, Dina, Juan Samuel, Vicentina, Fiorela, Nolverta, Antonio, Eliod, Lucila, Domitila, Luz Bercelia, Florentino, Clara Luz, Sabina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

Loan details

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