A loan helped to buy grazing calves.

Walther Neptali's story

The gentleman is very well known as an honest, hardworking person who has been engaged in livestock farming for several years. He lives with his family and has been able to support his children through his work.

He wishes to receive a loan because he wants to buy five grazing calves to increase his herd of cattle and earn more income, as this would increase his production much more.

Also, he dreams of expanding his livestock to produce more milk so he can increase his herd and grow his business.

His is grateful to Kiva because he has received a loan previously and hopes that now he can continue in this way.

June, 2024

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

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