A loan helped to buy a litter of pigs to fatten, vitamins, feed, and anti-parasitic medication.

Tito Livio's story

Tito Livio is 52 years old. He is single and lives with his mother in the municipality of La Flecha, department of Santa Barbara.
For six years he has worked buying and fattening pigs, a business that he learned together with his family.
He is currently requesting a loan from ODEF in the amount of 22,000 Lempiras, which he plans to invest in buying a litter of pigs to fatten, vitamins, feed, and anti-parasitic medication.
He considers that the loan will help him to increase his production and improve his earnings which will allow his family to be able to succeed through the income from his business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase inputs to improve yields on favorable terms.

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