A loan helped to buy skincare products, shampoo, make-up, natural products, and men's perfume. Her goal is to increase her profit margin.

Hequel Del Socorro's story

Hequel, a woman entrepreneur, is familiar with Kiva loans through this field partner, as she benefitted from this type of support in the past to strengthen her cosmetics business. Nowadays, she also sells natural products.

Hequel's mother has supported her and was instrumental in her success.

Hequel asks for a new Kiva loan through the field partner to buy skincare products, shampoo, make-up, natural products, and men's perfume. Her goal is to increase her profit margin.

Her dream is to repair her house.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to short-term emergency loans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details