A loan helped to buy soil amendment, fertilizer, and farm disinfectant.

Jeniffer Consuelo's story

Jeniffer is 20 years old. She's a humble and hardworking girl who lives with her mother and siblings. She was able to finish high school and, since then, has dedicated herself to supporting her family. Jeniffer has been farming together with her family for two years. This means they plant more and share the maintenance costs. She needs this loan to buy soil amendment, fertilizer, and farm disinfectant to keep their crops in good condition and to have a good harvest. Her goal is to sell directly to the wholesale market, without intermediaries.

Jeniffer hopes to one day have a house and a plot of land where she can continue farming. Through this, she hopes to earn a decent living where she can buy everything she needs.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alex Goehring.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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