A loan helped to buy seedlings and compost, as well as pay land rental fees for cultivating three hectares of cassava.

Pedro Pablo's story

Pedro wakes up early every day so that he can prepare the land for planting. He makes good use of his farming equipment. Pedro is in a common-law relationship and a father of two children who motivate him to push forward. His main crop is cassava. He always has the support of his family.

Pedro visited the nearest office of MiCrédito with the intention of applying for a Kiva loan. He plans to buy seedlings and compost, as well as pay land rental fees for cultivating three hectares of cassava. With this investment, he will be able to generate income for his family.

His short-term goal is to acquire a more modern tractor.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

The repayments are aligned with harvest season.

Loan details

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