A loan helped a member to buy sheep and goats to resell.

Joubo Fass Matar Group's story

Ndeye Fatou, holding the sheep's rope, is the president of the "Joubo Fass Matar" group, which means "goodwill" in English. She is a 42-year-old breeder. Sitting in the front and raising her right hand, she is married to a farmer and mother of three children from seven to 16 years old, all of whom attend school.

Ndeye Fatou is a solvent customer and has been carrying out this activity for 10 years. With the loan, she plans to purchase animals (goats and sheep) and hay, which will allow her to strengthen her business and increase her income.

To obtain supplies, Ndeye Fatou goes to the weekly markets in her area. She then resells them in the neighbourhood and surrounding areas. The income she earns allows her to take care of the family's needs in the following areas: health, food, education, hygiene, etc.

Among the difficulties she faces, one can cite strong competition, the loss and illness of animals, and the high cost of transport.

Ndeye Fatou wishes to have a big herd and to open a farm in the future.

In this group: Ndeye Fatou, Khoredia, Korka, Malah, Coumba, Codou, Fatou, Mbayang, Khady

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Siobhan Coady.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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