A loan helped to buy fabric and to make partial renovation of her home.

Gulbahor's story

Gulbahor was born and raised in the Khuroson region. She has a husband and 4 children. Her husband is in Russia for work. Gulbahor is a kind and sociable woman. She has been sewing women's clothing for several years. She has many clients who are satisfied with her work.

Gulbahor sews for sale and now, she needs to buy fabric. She will sew more dresses and will eventually be able to increase her income. Gulbahor wants to use part of the money to renovate his house. She thanks you in advance. Gulbahor's only goal is to improve the financial situation of her family and make it possible for her husband to return to his homeland.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Cholpon Kokumova.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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Loan details