A loan helped to buy blouses, trousers, shorts, pyjamas, dresses and t-shirts among other items.

Karen Dileny's story

Karen Dileny is 23 years old. She is in a free union relationship and has a 2-year-old daughter. Her husband works in a factory, they live in Jaramijo, a beautiful place where its inhabitants are very humble and hard-working people.

Karen is a humble, hard-working woman with a great desire to get ahead, which is why she saw the opportunity to earn an income to cover household expenses in a clothing sales business, which makes its sales through social media.

Karen has been working as a merchant for 3 years and has been able to overcome difficult times in business. With the support of this loan, she wants to give a boost to her business by investing in a greater variety of clothing, so she can continue to satisfy the needs of her customers.

This loan will be used to buy blouses, trousers, shorts, pyjamas, dresses and t-shirts among other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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