A loan helped to purchase beauty products and slippers.

Arelys Alejandra's story

Arelys Alejandra is 23 years old. She is in a common law marriage and has two children, ages 4 and 3 years old. Her husband is a chauffer. They live in Cantón Jaramijo, a beautiful place whose inhabitants and humble and hardworking.

Arelys is a hardworking woman who puts forth the effort to obtain her own income. For this reason, she is dedicated to the sale of slippers and beauty products, which she sells by traveling in her district. She also sells in her home, and on credit, collecting every weekend.

For Arelys, this loan will give her a lot of help because it will allow her to improve her quality of life. The loan is to purchase beauty products and slippers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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