A loan helped to purchase disposables and supplies for food preparation.

Edilma De Los Angeles's story

Edilma De Los Angeles is 39 years old. She is separated and has 3 children, ages 16, 14 and 5. They live in Canton Jaramijo, a beautiful place where its inhabitants are very humble and hardworking people.

Edilma is a very hardworking woman who struggles daily to earn her own income and at the same time be able to cover her household expenses. It is for this reason that she has been working in a school food area for 7 years. In her free time she dedicates herself to sales of exquisite breakfasts, lunches, snacks all made to order.

For Edilma this loan is very helpful because she will be able to improve her business. The loan will be invested in the purchase of disposables and supplies for food preparation.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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