A loan helped to buy dishes, a meat grill, a quintal of rice, sugar, potatoes, and a container of cooking oil.

Elizabeth Anayeli's story

Elizabeth, age 24, is a determined single mother. She lives at her mother’s house. They help one another. Her five-year-old daughter attends preschool. Her two previous loans were a great help in her work. She was able to start new projects and is currently studying to become a stylist.

Elizabeth owns a small restaurant that she manages with her cousin and a friend. Her goal is to continue expanding and remodeling the business so that she can provide exclusive service. This new loan will be used to buy dishes, a meat grill, a quintal of rice, sugar, potatoes, and a container of cooking oil. Elizabeth will buy in bulk so that she can receive a lower price for the supplies she needs to prepare the dishes she offers.

She is a proactive woman who looks to surge ahead. Her next goal after finishing her studies is to open a beauty salon as an additional source of income. Elizabeth hopes to achieve the living conditions that are necessary for raising her daughter and developing her physical and mental health.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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