A loan helped a member to buy pants, dresses, blouses, shirts, tee shirts, skirts, pyjamas, bedspreads, sheets, curtains, etc. to stock her store.

Gs Omari Group's story

Ms. Marie, who is haitian, is a 36 year old woman and is currently has a life partner. She is an enterprising woman and the mother of three children. She went to school through the fourth year of high school.

She came to the Dominican Republic 12 years ago as she was looking for a better quality of life and a better future. At this time she has been in business for approximately 12 years. She currently sells clothing such as pants, blouses, dresses, shirts, shorts, tee shirts, coats, skirts, pyjamas, boxers, jerseys, etc. She runs this business from her home and she wants to use this loan to buy more merchandise to stock her business and make it grow, to have more variety, satisfy her customers' needs and generate more income.

This is her fourth loan with AEI.

Her goal is to have her own home and provide for her children so they can become professionals

Thank you for helping Ms. Marie and the the GS OMARI group.

In this group: Alourdes, Marie, Rose

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details