A loan helped to buy wooden logs.

Paola Marisol's story

Paola is 30 years old. She and her child are happy and healthy. Thanks to the prior loan, she was able to increase her charcoal production. This helped her obtain a bit more in earnings to cover the basic household needs.

Paola is a mother who fights for the well-being of her child. She hopes to keep growing her working capital to be able to produce more charcoal. This new loan, same as the last one, will be used so that Paula can buy wooden logs for making charcoal in order to cover the orders at the stores and supermarkets.

Her goal for the future is to make her charcoal known in more areas since it is a primary product with high yield. In this way, this noble mother seeks to build a good future for herself and her child.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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