A loan helped to acquire essential farm inputs that will enhance her productivity and generate more income to support her family.

Elizabeth's story

Elizabeth, a devoted smallholder farmer from Molo, has spent the last few years diligently working her land to support her family. As a married woman, she expertly balances her household responsibilities with her passion for farming. Every day, Elizabeth rises early to tend to her crops, driven by a commitment to provide a better future for her loved ones.

Elizabeth is seeking a loan to procure essential farm inputs such as fertilizers, farm seeds, and farm chemicals. These resources are vital for enhancing soil fertility, protecting her crops from pests, and significantly increasing overall productivity. With this loan, she aims to improve her harvests, ensuring a stable food supply for her family and generating additional income from surplus produce.

Elizabeth's perseverance and dedication to her farm make her a deserving candidate for this loan. Your support will empower her to achieve better yields, improve her family's living conditions, and contribute to the growth and prosperity of her community.

By investing in Elizabeth, you are helping to build a brighter future for her and those around her.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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