A loan helped a member to buy clothing to sell, such as shirts, pants, blouses, shorts, and other items.

30 De Agosto Group's story

30 de Agosto Group is the name of this committee, where they are all in search of ways to be able to improve themselves and get ahead because of their loved ones. They set themselves a goal of being able to grow, not only in terms of their finances but also as people. Additionally, they are in the poverty elimination program.

One of them is Yaquelin, a lady who strives to get ahead. She says that her work is modest but that it enables her to cover the daily necessities of her family. And she mentions that her work, despite being modest, is of great help for getting ahead.

She says that her work consists of selling, and that she has a business selling clothing of all kinds, and that her aim is to be able to continue improving. That is why she decided to join the group.

She requests this loan for the purchase of assorted clothing to sell, such as shirts, pants, blouses, shorts, and other items, to be able to continue with her enterprise.

Note: The girl in the photo is the daughter of one of the member so the group that signs this loan.

In this group: Jessica Monserrat, Nancy Rumilda, Noelia, Juana, Laura Elena, Delci Ester, Marta Elizabeth, Modesta, Maria Del Carmen, Irma Soledad, Ana Maria, Francisca, Maria Del Carmen Natividad, Yaquelin, Ermelinda, Tatiana Maribel, Marina, Beatriz

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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