A loan helped a member to buy more chickens.

Los Claveles Patzun Group's story

Rosa is 36 and a mother of three children who range in age from twelve to eighteen. She is married to a business supervisor. She shares that, since she was from a family of limited resources, she only attended school for six years. As a child, she worked in a family-owned tortilla shop. Five years ago, Rosa began selling used traditional clothing and also opened a poultry business. To generate additional income, she embroiders traditional blouses/”huipiles.” She sells from her home, takes custom orders, and also sells as a street vendor. She requests her second Kiva loan to buy more chickens to fatten up!

Rosa joined eight other Maya K’iche women who live in the department/state of Chimaltenango and formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Los Claveles de Patzun.” They benefit greatly from participating in the “Microcredit Plus” program that gives them access to monthly educational training (health, women’s issues, family matters, business) and bi-monthly healthcare services (exams, consults, family planning).

All of the ladies are like Rosa with limited education and challenges accessing healthcare, so the program is tremendously beneficial for them. A facilitator designs the training, and a traveling nurse delivers the healthcare services. Both speak the Maya K’iche language.

Kiva lenders are very much appreciated by Rosa and her friends. Thank you for lending a helping hand!

In this group: Maria Elena, Brenda Elizabeth , Jessika Carolina, Rosa , Margarita , Odilia , Luisa , Blanca Estela , Lili Fabiola

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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