A loan helped to pay for bags of raw kava to prepare and sell kava juice.

Molly's story

Molly, 30, is a hardworking mother of two children, ages 9 and 8. She resides with her partner and children in an urban area located eight minutes from town. Her partner is a seasonal worker who travels overseas for work. Both of her children attend school. She prepares and sells fresh kava juice to make ends meet.

Seven years ago, Molly motivated herself to start her business with the goal to meet her family's basic household needs. Her dream is to construct a permanent home for her family. Her current plan is to increase her juice supply to match customer demand. However, she cannot achieve her goal due to financial limitations.

She is requesting a loan to pay for kava bags. The earnings from her business will be used to cover household expenses, children's education and for her future investments. Through this loan, she is inspired to grow her business, provide quality service to her customers and secure a brighter future for her family. Please lend and support Molly!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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