A loan helped to purchase calves.

Carmen Isabel's story

Carmen is 27 years old, is a single mother and has 3 young children. They live with their family in the Chinalo bajo sector, a rural area where they earn a living through farming and livestock. Her children are starting preschool and she needs to provide them with the education they need. For this reason, she works hard every day.

Her main products are lupin and maíz. Carmen has been working since she was 18 years old and this is the first loan she is requesting. She plans to start raising calves to have another source of income that will generate more frequent earnings. With farming, she has to wait for the harvest to be profitable.

Carmen wants to have stability as a farmer, which is one of her goals in growing her harvests and raising animals. Being a single mother is very difficult but the love she has for her children is her motivation to fight to give them the best quality of life within their economic means.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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