A loan helped a member to buy traditional fabric, thread and feed for her chickens.

Las Tejedoras Del Llano Group's story

It was a sad time when thirty-six-year-old Maria’s husband left four years ago to earn income in the United States. The couple has four children who range in age from nine to twenty-two. Food, living and educational expenses needed to be covered and there was limited work in the department/state of Huehuetenango where they live. Maria earns income from embroidering colorful traditional blouses/“huipiles”, belts/”fajas” and hair bands/”cintas para el pelo”. To generate additional income, she raises chickens and farms beans and corn. She sells from her home and takes custom orders.

Maria requests her first Kiva loan to buy more traditional fabric, thread and feed for her chickens. Her goals are to expand her poultry business and attractively exhibit her textiles in her own storefront.

Maria joined five other Maya “Chalchiteco” women and formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank "Las Tejedoras de Llano” or “The Weavers of the Plain”. As they have little or no formal education, they realize tremendous benefits from a monthly educational training, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program. A facilitator uses pictures, diagrams, role playing and games to share information about relevant topics like health, nutrition, hygiene, women’s issues and family matters. The ladies gain confidence and self-esteem. They often share what they learn with family members and friends.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for your kindness and generosity!

In this group: Maria Lucia , Rosa , Maria , Pascuala , Cecilia , Juana , Telma Lorenza

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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