Sra. Meline is a 43-year-old Haitian woman who is currently in a common-law relationship. This enterprising woman is a mother of four children and finished the first year of high school.
After she arrived in the Dominican Republic 27 years ago, Meline looked for a better quality of life and a better future. At the moment, she has been in business for approximately 10 years. She previously sold detergent, but this business did not generate the income she needed to sustain her family. Meline now sells bales of clothing that include T-shirts, skirts, trousers, Bermuda shorts, dresses, coats, jackets, and other items. She has a small shop where she operates her business. With her portion of this loan, Meline will buy more merchandise so that she can offer a wider variety of products to satisfy the needs of her customers. This will result in more income.
She is receiving her ninth loan from Esperanza International. Her dream is to have a good life and remain healthy.
Thank you for supporting Sra. Meline and the other members of the solidarity group “Nueva Vida, Grupo 1”.
In this group: Jean, Meline, Fenelon, Flauramene, Eveline
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.