A loan helped to buy a grill, a griddle and a potato fryer to expand his restaurant menu.

Brandon Andre's story

Brandon is an enthusiastic, twenty year old man. He lives with his mother and three siblings. His mother is a single mom so he and his siblings work to cover household expenses. His love of cooking led him to open a small restaurant where he sells traditional dishes with chicken, pork skins and fried pork rinds.

His goal is to improve his restaurant and expand the variety of dishes with a la carte items. That is why he is requesting a Kiva loan so he can buy a grill, a griddle and a potato fryer. That way he will be able to make roasted meats and grilled meats to bring in more customers and improve his sales to earn a better profit. His future plan is to open up to three additional restaurants creating a roasted meat brand.

Brandon has always dreamed of traveling to the United States and hopes to be able to do so some day.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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