A loan helped to buy two heifers to raise for milk production.

Nathaly Mishel's story

Nathaly, age 23, is a rural young woman with a high school education. She lives with her parents who engage in farm work. Her three previous loans were used to increase her cattle herd and provide for the needs of her animals.

Nathaly continues to push forward, but she wants to have a decent life without depending on her parents. Relying on the experience that she has acquired since childhood is a great advantage. She knows how to take excellent care of her cattle and minimize losses from diseases.

Nathaly is requesting a new loan to buy two heifers that she will raise for milk production. She plans to sell the milk as an additional source of income so that she can achieve her personal goals, such as acquiring a house and starting a family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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