A loan helped to purchase hay and fodder for the livestock.

Bekzhan's story

Bekzhan is 40 years old, married, father of 2 school age children. He is a kind, sympathetic and responsible man. He has a secondary education and has been farming since 2009. Thanks to his hard work the farm currently has 2 cows and 25 sheep.

In order to further grow his business Bekzhan applied to the Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 100,000 Soms (KGS) to buy hay and fodder for the livestock and thus to increase income from his farm.

He plans to invest the proceeds of the loan into further development of his business.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details