A loan helped to buy groceries in general for her business.

Dora Emelina's story

This is a hardworking lady who has her own grocery store business, an activity that she has had for 17 years. The business is situated in a strategic location. There, it is visited by large numbers of customers, enabling her to obtain a good sales margin.

The lady wants to invest in the purchase of assorted products like rice, sugar, soft drinks, churros, bread, laundry soap, toilet paper, beans, corn, and cheese. Apart from that, she dreams of being able to grow her business even further and be one of the best-known grocery stores in her community.

She appreciates Kiva lenders for providing their help to her on previous occasions, and she hopes that you can continue providing the support requested.

June 2024.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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