A loan helped a member to get creams, perfumes, shampoo and makeup.

Perolas I Group's story

Rosangela, second in the photo from right to left, is a mother of two children and married.

She started her journey in 2018, working on her own selling cosmetics to neighbors and acquaintances. Determined and dedicated, she spared no effort, and with her persistence, managed to provide a good education for her children, and together with her husband contributed to buy the family house.

Her current goal is to expand her business, to reach a bigger number of customers. To achieve this she will invest in the purchase of creams, perfumes, shampoo and makeup to resell.

The group thanks investors for the opportunity.

In this group: Jucileide, Aurea, Rosangela, Ivani

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Paulo Aguiar.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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