A loan helped a member to buy sheets and dresses for resale.

And Jubo Geo Group's story

Mrs. KHARDIATOU, in yellow headscarf, rising her hand in the photo, is the president of the AND JUBO group, which means Marchons Dans l'Union in French. She is a 61-year-old businesswoman, widow and mother of two children aged 10 to 13 and two dependent children aged 3 to 5, all of whom attend school. A valued customer of our institution for the past four years, she has a proven track record of profitable business activity. Ms. KHARDIATOU has been in the business for at least 20 years.
She obtained financial assistance to purchase goods such as sheets and dresses. Mrs KHARDIATOU buys her goods in Touba and Dakar and sells them at her local market on a daily basis and by order.
The income generated enables her to provide adequately for her family's needs, particularly in terms of health care, nutrition, education and hygiene.
To develop her business and increase her income, she has been seeking financial support to strengthen her business activities. Nevertheless, she faces challenges such as competition and the high cost of goods.
Her main aspiration is to set up a store and attract a wider customer base to further improve her profitability.

In this group: Khardiatou, Aissatou, Fatou, Oumou, Saly, Fatou, Coura, Ramatoulaye

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Hatim BACHIR.

This loan is special because:

It enables women entrepreneurs to generate additional income and better provide for their families.

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