This man's name is Erkinbek. He is 64 years old, married, and has adult children, who are living separately. He has a secondary specialized education. He is a kind, responsible, and sympathetic person. As the main income for his family, he has been engaged in livestock and crop farming for 35 years. On the territory around the house are all the conditions for keeping livestock. Thanks to hard work, he has an inspiring farm of 5 cows, 7 sheep, and 2 horses. Thanks to the cows, Erkinbek sells organic milk every day. In order to further develop his business, he applied to Bai-Tushum Bank for a loan of 200,000 KGS to purchase cattle in order to increase his income from livestock farming. The revenue from the loan will help improve the family's financial condition. Erkinbek thanks all the Kiva lenders for their support and wishes you all the best.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Ann Merrill. View original language description.