A loan helped to buy an additional dairy cow to boost her milk production.

Susan's story

Introducing Susan, a dedicated 40-year-old woman. She is single with no children, and she supports her extended family.

Susan is a dairy farmer and she enjoys milking and making profits from the business. However, she is seeking financial support to boost her business to the next level. She wants to improve her dairy farming production.

In response to the challenges of fluctuating milk supply, Susan is seeking a loan to purchase an additional dairy cow. This investment is intended to increase her milk production significantly. The expected increase in milk production from her new cow will allow her to invest further in quality dairy feeds, ensuring healthier livestock and more milk yields.

Her business has created employment by employing a person who helps in running the dairy business as well as doing the deliveries. With this, she has contributed to the wider community at large.

Susan’s previous loan was used to buy a dairy cow, and she repaid the loan on time. She is dreaming of a future where she can offer the best possible education that is quality education up to university level for her future children. Susan sees this loan as an essential building block towards that future. By supporting Susan, lenders wouldn't just be funding a dairy cow; they would be investing in education and sustainable community development.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase supplies and agricultural equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details