A loan helped to buy pigs and products to fatten the pigs.

Lourdes Bernarda's story

She is known for being a persistent and persevering person, who is dedicated to raising and fattening pigs. She has succeeded in taking her family forward with this work.

She has several years of experience in this field, and she has built the experience needed to have good customers based on the quality of products she sells. Because of this, she wants to invest in buying piglets and animal feed to fatten the animals.

She wants to continue taking her business forward, and she wants to continue prospering in her work. She wants to have a good quantity of pigs so she can produce more.

She is thankful to Kiva for the help offered previously. She hopes they continue to trust in her and that this will be beneficial for both parties.

June 2024

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

Loan details

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Loan details