A loan helped to buy fertilizers and herbicides.

Juan Antonio's story

This man makes a living growing coffee, plantains, and staple grain crops. He has approximately 20 years of experience in the industry, which has helped enable him to move forward.

Now, he wants to invest in maintaining his crops by purchasing fertilizers and herbicides and paying helpers for their labor, as well as buying corn to grow on his land and have a good yield. One of his advantages is that he has his own very good land to farm, which has helped with his crops in previous years.

On the other hand, he dreams of being able to keep offering his customers the same quality product as always, and he wants to increase production.

He feels grateful for Kiva's support and hopes it will continue.

June 2024.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laura Kanost.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

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