A loan helped a member to buy materials such as thread, needles, frames, among others.

Divino Niño Group's story

This group is made up of women heads of household who work together to improve the quality of life of their loved ones and make sure they don't go through any need or deprivation. Their collective goal is to grow, not just financially but also personally.

One of the members is Ana Dejesus, who is a hardworking woman that makes and sells crochet handcrafts. She does very well and has an established clientele who always order from her.

Ana also makes hats and sells clothes, and says that her goal is to continue improving and helping to support her home and family, giving them everything she didn't have.

Ana is requesting this loan to buy materials to make her crafts, such as thread, needle, frames, among others, to continue with her sales .

In this group: Maria Cristina, Ana Dejesus, Elva Dolores, Geronima, Digna, Rode Jazmin, Rossana Ester, Fatima Heriberta, Laura Marlene, Mariana Elizabeth, Esther Noemi, Mercedes, Johanna Noemi, Juana Justina, Maria Angela

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nathalia Vásquez.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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