A loan helped to buy groceries and disposable items among other products for her business.

Maria Isabela's story

Maria Isabela is 32 years old, she is married and has 2 children aged 13 and 8. Her husband is a guard and they live in Jaramijo, a beautiful place where its inhabitants are very humble and hard-working people, who are dedicated to commerce.

Maria is a very hard-working woman who works daily to get her own income, in order to cover her household expenses. It is for this reason that, 6 years ago, she started her home business selling smoothies and toasts, because in this way she can generate more income to continue the business.

This loan is to buy groceries and disposable items among other products for her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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