A loan helped to buy shoes and perfume.

Rosa Ivonne's story

Rosa Ivonne is 59 years old. She is married. She has 6 grown children. Her husband is a driver. They live in Jaramijo, a lovely spot where the residents are very humble and hardworking and are employed in business,

Rosa is a businesswoman who daily makes the effort to earn an income that will allow her to cover the household expenses. For this reason, she has a business of the sale of perfume and shoes. She sells door-to-door, leaving product on credit and collecting payment every two weeks.

For her, this loan will give a lot of help because it will help her improve her business.

This loan is to buy shoes and perfumes.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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