A loan helped to buy pants, shirts, blouses, and dresses, among other clothing items to sell.

Josselyn Roxana's story

Josselyn Roxana is 32 years old. She is married and has an eight-year-old child. Her husband works in shrimping. They live in Portoviejo. It is a place with beautiful landscapes and countrysides. There are beaches quite close by, and a varied and delicious gastronomy for those who visit this lovely city.

Josselyn is a hardworking woman who seeks a way to make income in order to help her family get ahead. She works selling clothes. She sells door-to-door, from her home and on social media. She sells on credit and collects payments every eight days.

In this way she is managing to make an honest living. This loan is to buy pants, shirts, blouses, and dresses, among other clothing items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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