Twenty-year-old Elena is married to a weaver of traditional skirts or “cortes”. The couple have an 18-month-old son. Elena is from a family of scant resources and only was able to attend school for six years.
Three years ago, she began weaving “cortes” on a floor loom, crocheting shawls and “hacky sacks”. She also raises chickens. Elena sells from her home and by custom order. It is important to her that orders are filled and delivered promptly.
She wants to enlarge her inventory, increase her income and is requesting her first Kiva loan to buy different colors of thread, chickens and chicken feed. She feels happy to be able to help support her household. Elena visualizes being able to build her own home.
Elena has joined six other Maya K’iche women and formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Costureras de Semeja” in the department/state of Quiche. All have the same businesses as Elena. They feel fortunate to participate in the “Microcredit Plus” program of loans, monthly educational training and bi-monthly health care services. They have little or no formal education and accessing health care is challenging. A facilitator designs the training that covers business, health, nutrition, hygiene, women’s issues and family matters. A visiting nurse provides exams, consults and family planning.
Thank you, Kiva lenders, for believing in Elena and her friends and for funding their much appreciated loans!
In this group: Jeronima Canil, Ana , Marisela , Candelaria , Celestina , Maria , Elena