A loan helped to purchase a stationary irrigation system that will optimize the water distribution process in her crops.

Marcela's story

Marcela is a skilled farmer from Tuquerres, Nariño, with 22 years of experience. She owns a two-hectare plot inherited from her grandparents, where she has over 17,000 strawberry plants at various stages of growth, which she currently waters using manual tools, ensuring they receive the right amount of water and nutrients for healthy and fruitful growth.

Marcela lives with her husband and three children in her mother's house. Her husband is also a farmer and assists her in applying pesticides to their crops.

A loan of $1,742,983 COP allows Marcela to acquire a stationary irrigation system, which will improve efficiency in watering her crops, ensuring consistent hydration.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

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