A loan helped a member to buy some sheep to raise so that they can be sold for a profit.

Soroyiriwa Group's story

Niama is the one in the group holding the ram's horn. She has been raising animals for more than 16 years. She is 45 years old, married and has 4 children aged from 7 to 22. They have not attended school. Her spouse raises sheep to take care of the family.
Niama purchases her stock at the local monthly fairs and can make a profit of 15,000F to 20,000F per animal sold. With this amount of profit, she is able to help her husband to manage the family's nutritional needs and healthcare costs. Currently, she owns 3 rams for which she has to meet the cost of their upkeep and veterinary care. A generous lady, with a good reputation in the village, Niama is hoping to receive further loans in the future to help her grow her livestock business.

In this group: Djarran, Nahada, Niama, Sitan, Hawa, Salimata, Baba, Sitan, Kadia, Drissa, Oumar

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Helen Speake.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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